Exploring gmail and other google applications by a video production company

Exploring gmail and other google applications by a video production company  Do you remember the first time you sent and received an email? It was probably back when AOL’s famous “You’ve got mail” was an exciting invention in technology.  Fonts used to be generic, and emails used to be bland. Now, we can’t escape from our flooding inboxes, and there are more features available than we can keep up with.  Email has come a long way from being a new, exciting thing to being a staple for communication. My, how time flies! Does anyone even use AOL for email anymore?


Now, Google has taken over the Internet. “Googling” is even defined in the dictionary. One of the best things about Google is that it is always updating its products and services to be more user-friendly and efficient.  A great example is its email platform, Gmail. Gmail has some really great features for sharing and ease of use, which explains why its one of the most popular email platforms.

Comparable to the drag and drop features of the Apple iOS, Gmail gives its users the ability to drag and drop attachments straight into its email compose window -- images, videos, documents -- you name it. Images can be seen without having to open them and videos can be viewed without leaving your inbox. Now that’s convenience.  On other email platforms, you need to worry about how big your attachments are, or your email won’t send -- not with Gmail. Since Gmail is automatically integrated into Google Drive, every Gmail user has 15 GB of storage in their Google Drive, which makes it easy to share larger files like videos. 

Did you know that you can also email videos to your contacts through YouTube? Since Google acquired YouTube in October of 2006, YouTube is also integrated with every Gmail account. If you find a video you enjoy on YouTube, right below it, next to “Share” and “Embed” is “Email.” Start typing in the To box, and you’ll find that your Gmail contacts will start appearing. Wha-la! Another great feature of using Gmail.  linking-google-adwords-to-google-analytics

Google has so many integrated applications and features to explore. It seems like the features are unlimited. I can see the world from my living room by using Google Maps and find out nearly anything I need to know from its search engine. If I have forgotten my phone, I am rest assured that I can make a phone call for free through Gmail to anyone in the U.S. or Canada.

Google Chrome is also another staple in the Google family. Have you checked out its enormous inventory of add-ons in the Chrome App Store? For example, by using one of the Gmail add-ons, you can see how many emails you have in your inbox at all times. With its Hangouts add-on, your chat windows can appear at all times, not just in your email inbox. Finally, I don’t have to flip around through my tabs to see if I have a new G-chat, also known as a Hangout, or email.

Speaking of Hangouts, if you enjoy video calling, Google made Hangouts for you. You can have a video call with up to 10 Google users at once, and you will definitely enjoy the Google Hangouts Effects. With these, you can wear a scuba mask or a mustache, among a number of animations and sounds, during your video call. These are a fun way to spice up a conversation!

If you weren’t questioning whether or not Google is trying to take over your life, you probably are now. But, rest assured, there are some amazing benefits to many of Google’s applications. Since it’s not going away anytime soon, it’s best to embrace them. After all, Google does seem pretty dedicated to making our lives easier, and a lot of its applications are free, which is always a competitive advantage.

What are your favorite features of Gmail or any other Google applications? We’d love to hear from you.  MJR Visuals is a full video production and media solutions company, dedicated to defining imagination through video. To request a quote, send us a message through our contact form on our website.

Pinterest and video production for your business

Pinterest-square-logoPinterest and video production for your business ; Pinterest has become a great resource for many women, and has even grown popular to men. It is visual, making it enjoyable to navigate. It has extensive search filters, making it easy to navigate, and it provides a place to save links and ideas for later use and conveniences.

Luckily, there is room for businesses in the action. Pinterest users don’t mind product promotions, enjoy reading blog posts and want to connect with their favorite companies.

Wal-Mart has 38,278 followers. Target has almost 450,000 followers. If these statistics don’t get you excited for opportunities on Pinterest, I don’t know what will!


Pinterest is another way to reach your potential customers and can be a great resource for growing your business.Here are 8 tips to get your business started on Pinterest.

  1. Add a Pinterest social media icon to your website, so your customers can quickly access your profile.
  2. Add Pin It buttons to your website, so your visitors can easily pin content and link back to your site. The directions to install are on Pinterest and are very easy to follow.
  3. Add a Pinterest widget or feed to your website. This way, your visitors can see your latest activity.
  4. Verify your website on Pinterest Analytics to get the numbers on the performance and popularity of your pins.
  5. Try to create images with a 2:3 ratio. These are proven to perform better.
  6. Get a basic understanding of the categories and keywords that Pinterest users will be using when looking for your pins and consistently optimize each of your pins for them.
  7. Start engaging with others by tagging your followers, following users who like pages like yours, and inviting your other social media followers to join you on Pinterest.
  8. Don’t just wing it -- have a strategy. Set goals, create a schedule and be interactive.

MJR Visuals is good for not only providing online marketing tips, but engaging your potential customers through video marketing. Click Here to Contact us today!

Video by the numbers from a Washington DC video production company

Video by the numbers from a Washington DC video production company.  You have probably heard this one hundred times by now: Using video on your website to promote your business is necessary to grow your business. But has anyone ever really told you how video increases numbers? Or how it drives traffic and conversions? While video is about showing the world who you are and what your business has to offer, you’re a business person – and you want the numbers. So, here they are. Forrester Reports, a leading source in successful marketing metrics, recently outlined some outstanding information – fully proving how important video can be to your marketing success. Check it out. Websites with a strong video marketing strategy increased their likelihood of being ranked on the first page of google search results by as much as 53 times. It further states that search results with video listings receive a click-thru rate 41 percent higher than websites without video. Wait … there are more numbers: 60 percent of people online, prefer watching videos over reading text. Time spent on a website with video increases by 45 seconds on average. Brand recall is 50 percent higher from people who have watched video versus that same message being spelled out in text. Websites with video have a lower bounce rate than sites without it – a 53% lower bounce rate. Also, consumers are more than likely to finish a transaction on a site with video vs. one without. If that isn’t enough to convince you, this should: 78% of people hold video within their hands on a daily basis for more than 4-5 hours a day. Video is everywhere and the numbers prove it’s dominant, it’s growing and it isn’t going anywhere.

At MJRVisuals, video is our business and making your business grow through the use of this medium is our priority. We are committed to helping you produce a video that will best suit your business needs and will help you reach your goals. If you have any more questions, don’t hesitate to send us an email through MJRVisuals.com. MJRvisuals we are a video production and medium solutions company, providing creative and imaginative visual solutions. MJRvisuals Imagination defined.

Facebook Advertising and video production for your Business


Facebook Advertising and video production for your business; back in June, Facebook announced that it expanded its video capabilities for advertisers, allowing for interactive and targeted storytelling in more ways that traditional forms of marketing can’t.

Facebook may not surpass YouTube as the most popular video website for now, but it sure is proving to be a threat.  Video views on Facebook increased more than 50 percent from May to July, and some reports show Facebook videos outperforming YouTube videos in views and engagement, proving Facebook video advertising to be an extremely valuable tool for businesses. 

How does it all work, and what are the new features?  Advertisers can create video ads on Facebook targeted to get views. Facebook optimizes your spend by showing your ad to people who are most likely to view your video.  Three seconds is the minimum requirement to be considered a video view.


Advertisers have the option of promoting previous video posts or uploading a new video and creating an unpublished video post that doesn’t enter News Feeds organically. Promoting unpublished posts is a common practice for advertisers on Facebook.  Lastly, advertisers can add text to the post and a call-to-action.  Call-to-actions appear at the end of your video.


Now is the time to take advantage of Facebook’s video popularity and advertising features.    MJR Visuals is your expert in creating compelling, engaging video advertisements that drive your customers to take action.  Call or email us today to get started on your Facebook video advertisements.

A video production company speaks on Google Analytics

A video production and media solution company speaks on Google Analytics.

Data. Data. Data. Data is a powerful tool. With data, you can gain insights, learn from your mistakes and even predict the future. Oftentimes, data is overlooked and left behind, never to be learned from or utilized. But, why? You're missing all of the fun!

Google Analytics is a necessity when it comes to getting data from your website, and now, Google has introduced the new and improved version, Universal Analytics, to the public, but it is still in testing mode. Google has invited its current Analytics users to upgrade to Universal Analytics, and new users can select this when they first get the code to place in their website.


If you haven't already installed your very own Universal Analytics tracking code on your website, now is the time. Let me tell you why.

First of all, it's free. And, if it's your unfamiliarity with websites that's holding you back from digging into the analytics dirt, just send the code to your web developer, and they can put it in for you.

Goals are a great feature of both Universal and regular Google Analytics and give webmasters the ability to track and define the successes on your website. For example, maybe you'd like to get more people signed up for your newsletter or fill out your contact form on your Contact Us page. By setting these up as goals in your Universal Analytics platform, you can easily see if you are reaching them or not. Google gives you four different types to choose from, the ability to apply monetary values, and templates to help you set them up. You can even see just how the goal is reached.

Annotations are another valuable benefit of both Universal and Google Analytics. Annotations give you and your web team the ability to leave placemarks when you updated specific parts of your website, started a social media campaign, or began your television advertising campaign. Marking these as annotations in your timeline allows you to put a cause with an effect if you see a spike in traffic in a particular area and takes out the guess work.

With Universal Analytics comes User IDs. If you use a CRM that creates unique user IDs, you can integrate this with Universal Analytics. With this integration, your users can now be associated with their sessions on your website. This allows you to identify problems with user experience, see your customers' behavior on your website, and much more.

Whether you are new or seasoned when it comes to data and analytics, make sure you're taking advantage of all that Google Analytics has to offer. Google has an amazing help database covering every single facet of its Analytics platforms, so you have no excuse to pass up all of the great advantages it has to offer.

When it comes to creating a videos for your next marketing campaign, look no further than MJRVisuals. From conception to production, it is our pleasure to connect, inspire and move your audience. Contact us for a consultation today.