One of the things in business I regret seeing is when companies don’t record their conferences. To me this is letting valuable content slip through their hands without any thought of lost opportunities. The fact is that almost every business that hosts a conference or gives a talk is an expert or specialist in some area. This professional expertise communicated at such events is lost forever once spoken and only lives on in the minds of the attendees after the conference. I propose that the best way to capture and distribute this high quality content is through recording a conference into a highly valuable piece of marketing content. Through good videography, you can first capture the conference and through editing you can then successfully seed the most important parts across your various platforms.

Lets look at some differences in providing long form and short form video recording on your site.

 Long Form: Conference Recoding for Your Website and YouTube

 The best place to host the video that you capture from a conference is on your website. Both YouTube and your website are friendly to long-form content, meaning that if you have long speeches or presentations, people will be able to access, listen and learn.  Even though the video will be hosted on YouTube, Vimeo or other Video housing sites, it’s best to embed that same video to your website.  Embedding your video on your company site will consolidate not only the videos in one location but gives you the opportunity to cross market other valuable information you might want to provide.   Make sure to keep your website up-to-date with fresh content, video is some of the best type to feature. If you have a long video about your conference that is featured on your website, you’ll be able to improve visitor time on your site and reduce bounce rate, which ultimately helps your Analytics and online footprint.

conferences by mjrvisuals

 Short Form: Instagram and Facebook

 Once you’ve captured a conference, I advise you to edit highlights into manageable bitesize chunks and distribute those videos across your social platforms. Facebook and Instagram put a huge amount of emphasis onto video content. Distill the best content from your conference for instance memorable quotes, memorable scenes, testimonials, key phrases, marketing idea for your next like ask the participants to say “why they came to your conference”, make those ideas into mini videos that capture audience attention on social platforms. This is key to distributing content that gathers traction on social media and increases engagement for your website, your message and hopefully next years conference.

 Next Steps:

 This is more of a “think outside the box” more then it is a step.  Figure out how you want to portray the conference in your videos.  Do you want just a wide screen angle of you and the speakers, multiple angles, presentation in the video next to you or possibly a full screen image of the presentation.  Remember the main advantage of recording a conference you host is to prove to your audience that you are an authority in the area you speak about. A conference is packed full of valuable content that you should preserve for future usage in a way that will be available for seeing and distribution to the masses. 

Malcholm Reese is the Creative Director of MJRvisuals.  MJRvisuals is a boutique video production company offering full service conference and live stream production. 

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